Thursday, June 09, 2005

அம்மாவே காரணம்

எல்லத்துக்கும் அம்மாவையே குறை கூறிப் பழக்கமாகி விட்டதா..

இது நாட்டு அம்மா இல்லை வீட்டு அம்மா..

அரசியல் இல்லை விஞ்ஞானம்..

மேலே படியுங்கள்

Women: Having Problems Reaching Orgasm? Blame Your Mom

A new study conducted on more than 4,000 women determined that heredity is the most important factor in determining how easily a woman achieves orgasm. In other words, if you’re having problems obtaining sexual satisfaction, it might just be your mother’s fault.

The results were published in Wednesday’s issue of the British journal 'Biology Letters.' The study examined 683 pairs of identical twins and 714 pairs of fraternal twins between the ages of 19 and 83. The results indicated that approximately 14 percent of women had an orgasm every time they had sex, 16 percent never achieved orgasm while having sex and another 16 percent rarely did.

The most common reason for the difference was genetic which accounted for 34 percent of the variation. That makes inherited factors the single most important factor in determining how easily women reached orgasm. 'What these results show ... is clear evidence that biology is an underlying influence here,' said Professor Tim Spector, the leader of the study. But women who have difficulty reaching orgasm should not lose hope according to Spector. 'There is a biological underlying influence that can’t be attributed purely to upbringing, religion or race. But I don’t think it should be deterministic at all; it’s just about understanding that everybody is different and women shouldn’t feel inferior when they read in ‘Cosmo’ about the average woman. There are many women that have problems, but when they seek sexual help they can improve their lot a great deal,' Spector added. Some feel that this research could be the first step towards developing a drug to help women reach orgasm. Spector noted that such medication is at least 10 years away due to the high number of genetic variations involved. But it does appear that a female equivalent of Viagra is on the horizon.

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